What is Tarot Therapy?

The symbolism and archetypes found across tarot images have reflected the depths of the human psyche for centuries. Whether capturing the glory of blind ambition (The Chariot) or the caveat of procrastination and daydreaming (Seven of Cups), tarot provides an extensive collection of stories that narrate the human experience.

Unlike psychic readings, Tarot Therapy uses elements of mindfulness, projective testing, and introspection to foster a new perception of your reality. Each 60-minute session is designed to activate your intuition and evaluate your subconscious beliefs on various themes through:

✺ Breathwork and sound meditation

✺ Projective testing

Tarot-prompted introspection and reflection

✺ Intention setting and emotional processing

Book a Tarot Psychology reading today and shine the light of introspection on the blind spots of your ego!

Note: Tarot Therapy is NOT a replacement for therapy or mental health services. For emergencies, please call 911 or your local healthcare provider.

clients are saying


    “This experience has given me a new perspective in life that I couldn't quite unlock myself. My heart and mind feels at ease and supported. I loved how it gave the power of therapy because Lauren also incorporated her knowledge of spirituality.”

  • RIAN

    “I've never gotten a tarot card reading and have only done them at home, myself. I honestly felt emotional to be validated and challenged spiritually. Lauren helped me feel safe to share my heart and to hold space for my intuition to connect with my conscious. So grateful for this experience and will definitely come back!”

Choose from my specialty of readings, or choose a topic of your choice:

✺ General Readings

general readings explore the topics of your choice, or use a 10-card spread to provide clarity in various areas of your life, including reflections of the past, present, and future.

✺ Moon Magic Readings

The moon has infinite wisdom to offer if we are willing to tune in and listen. Moon Magic readings offer guidance in alignment with astrology during the nearest moon phase of your appointment, or a specific moon phase of your request.

Divine Love Readings

Every relationship you have is a reflection of yourself. When you cultivate divine love internally, your external world will align. This reading offers guidance in exploring your OWN perspectives and behaviors in love, trust, communication, and commitment.

✺ Shadow Integration

True healing begins when you stop trying to hide the parts of you that feel unworthy. Shadow Integration readings provide guidance along your shadow work journey and prompts for releasing shame, self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs.