Would you like to travel the world with the confidence of the cosmos on your side?
Discover the astrological influences that color your experience across various regions of the world!
90-minute astrocartography readings include mindful intention setting, behavioral activation techniques, professional birth chart and astromap analysis, AND a 20+ page personalized pdf report and interpretation guide!
What exactly IS astrocartography, though?
I’m glad you asked.
Astrocartography (also known as A*C*G or locational astrology) explores the influence of planetary bodies across geographic regions, and how they affect our experiences in those areas.
The technique is done by superimposing your birth chart onto a map of the world, creating an “astromap” like the one seen in the picture below:
In an astromap, planets, aestroids, and luminaries intersect with cardinal points and activate unique energetic themes for areas within a specific orb of influence.
Astrocartography readings provide insight on how to navigate these themes in and travel in a mindful and intentional way.
An astrocartography reading may be for you if:
✦ you enjoy exploring new parts of the world
✦ you’re on a journey of shifting identity or circumstances
✦ you want to know the locations where your career can flourish
✦ you’re considering moving for school or independent studies
✦ you want to solo travel, but don’t know where to start
✦ you’re planning to travel for spiritual or psychological healing
✦ you want to invest in property in another city or country
✦ you just want to learn about the astrology of location!
✦ mindful intention setting
✦ behavioral aligning and activation techniques
✦ professional birth chart and astromap analysis, including: astrocartography lines, paran lines, local space lines, relocated houses, and basic timing techniques
How on Earth will we have time to cover all those things?
Intention, intention, intention. The techniques that I use are tailored to the specific goals of your reading. In the intake form, you will have the opportunity to select up to 3 regions and themes of interest. After your astrocartography reading, you will receive a 20+ page pdf report and interpretation guide, allowing you to reference all the information we covered!
I also offer 45-minute astrocartography follow-up readings for clarification and additional questions.
What will my 90-minute astrocartography reading include?
astrocartography case study
A client booked an astrocartography reading searching for a place to relocate after feeling dissatisfied with her quality of life in Montreal, Quebec. She was constantly finding herself in toxic friendships and romances, and felt like her relentless hard work was not producing the lifestyle she deserved.
With a quick look of her astromap, we discovered that Montreal was within powerful proximity to her Mars IC and Pluto DC lines. These A*C*G lines are often associated with intense relationships, power struggles, conflict, and competition. By consulting the rest of her astromap (parans, transits, and local space lines), birth chart, relocated houses - and most importantly - her intentions, were were able to identify significantly more supportive and easygoing regions for her to relocate to!
clients are saying
“Lauren really prepared me for future travels. It opened my eyes to things I need to work on within my self and just be mindful of going forward. Definitely recommend those for travelers from novice to experts. Her preparation will allow you to go into future trips ready for anything that may come your way.”
“Incredible service from incredible human. I received an astrocartography reading as a result of an instagram giveaway and the entire process from scheduling to feedback was so professional…I am so glad we dived into my travel plans and what lines were nearby. It definitely helped set the intention for the trip and I was able to have greater understanding as the trip unfolded…Thank you so much! “
“I highly recommend! Lauren’s explanation about astrology the transits and impact on my chart was clear and concise. She was so nice and reassuring and straight to the point. Therefore it was easy to understand more complex concepts! The report given is an easy tool to help me understand astrology even more. This reading confirmed so many hunches I’ve had and how aligned we can be with our Intuition. Thank you so much for your guidance and interpretation!”
For example, I learned that my hometown of Chicago was in close proximity to my Sun MC line - an area all about ego, status, reputation, and career.
It made perfect sense, as I’ve always felt the most ambition and drive in that area - but not without a the recurring cycles of stress and burnout to accompany it!
Madrid, on the other hand, was influenced by my Venus and Mercury DC lines - associated with relationships, art, learning, and communication. It was there that I learned to stop and “smell the roses”, while also dabbling in painting, foreign languages, and new communities.
If you’re here reading this now, I assume you want to learn how to use astrology your travel guide, as well!
…by a tour guide during a solo trip in Thailand back in 2018. He explained how a famous author used the astrology of location to choose his retirement destination, build his house, plan his publishings, and invest his money. His team of astrologers had even been able to predict the timing and location of his death! Thoroughly intrigued, I immediately began researching my own natal chart and astrocartography. Much to my surprise, I was blown away by the relevance and accuracy of the map in relation to my travel experiences - even in hindsight.
I was introduced to the world of astrocartography…
Book an appointment.
Not ready to commit yet? Book a free 15-minute consultation to discuss any questions or concerns!I am also open to trade and exchange for services on a case-by-case basis. Email mutedearthwellness@gmail.com with your proposal!